Friday 25 April 2014

Free Samples of Natural Acne Remedies

The word acne triggers a fear in most of the minds that is at times more dreadful than the usual nightmare. And as most people think that acne only occurs on the face is totally an untrue notion and acne can impact any part of our body but the most visible of these is the face. The most common skin predator is the acne vulgaris, as explained dermatologists.

A lot of people believe that you are able to only get acne when you have oily skin. In reality, acne can impact almost any kind of skin type, including dry skin. If you’re the type of person who’s dealing with dry skin acne, you’ll find a list of natural remedies and treatments that can be done. These are practical solutions, so you don’t have to go to a dermatologist or pay for expensive skin care products.

Jojoba oil

Believe it or not, drying out your skin an excessive amount of can worsen acne, causing your skin to increase oil production in compensation. If you have combination skin, that is partly oily or normal but partly dry, jojoba oil is a perfect moisturizer when used sparingly since it won't clog pores. It is also helpful as a makeup remover that will not cause breakouts.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a powerful natural remedy when it comes to fighting against acne. Apple Cider Vinegar or "ACV" kills from the bacteria that may be the source of the acne to begin with. Additionally, it may make it harder for bacteria to live by balancing out your skin's pH level. Much like lemon juice, apple cider vinegar is an astringent and will help dry up excess oil. However, you won't want to apply too much, as this can start to dry out your skin. Just use a cotton ball and apply it a few times a day towards the affected area with acne. Leave it on not less than 10-15 minutes before removing.

Potato pack

Potato is really a good absorbent of excess oil and sebum and in addition it removes dirt and grease in the skin. It reduces dark circles, puffiness under the eyes, blemishes and acne marks. Regular use of potato pack shows effective results. This is another wonderful acne natural remedies.

Tea tree oil

The essential oil obtained from the leaves of a tree native to Australia, tea tree oil has been proven to operate just as well against acne as benzoyl peroxide, an ingredient commonly found in conventional acne creams. Apply sparingly to blemishes and steer clear of the area around the eyes. Tea tree oil is not the best remedy for all those with acne rosacea, as it can cause irritation. Never take tea tree oil internally.


If you do not already have your own Aloe plant, you need to grown or buy one. Aloe is a great plant to possess around, especially for burns. If you don't have one, the Aloe vera gel in the store works as well. Not only will the cool feeling of the aloe sooth your skin, it is also an anti-inflammatory,this will decrease any swelling and redness. In addition, aloe is known to have antibacterial properties.

Baking soda

This common household product serves as an exfoliator, whisking away dead skin cells before they are able to clog pores, and is also considered to lower the acidity of the epidermis. Additionally, it makes the skin smoother and softer, lowering the appearance of large, open pores. Mix it with water or gentle castile soap and apply towards the skin in circular motions. It is also left on for up to 10 minutes as a mask, though this might irritate sensitive skin.

Activated charcoal

Consisting of charcoal that has been treated with oxygen to make it highly porous, this product is used to trap carbon-based impurities. Taken internally, assistance clear toxins from the system, potentially assisting within the prevention of acne. It also can be applied to the skin topically inside a paste with water or gentle soap or like a mask with bentonite clay. Think it is in capsule form in drugstores or health food stores.

Milk of magnesia

Applying a laxative towards the skin in order to battle acne may sound strange, however, many acne sufferers maintain that this remedy really works. Highly alkaline, milk of magnesia (magnesium hydroxide) lowers the acidity of the skin as well as seems to suppress oil production. Apply to the skin having a clean cotton ball not more than once a day in order to prevent excessive drying.

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